Thursday, April 8, 2010

Back... space... er: TEN Negative Things About Pearl Jam's Backspacer

Fun, optimistic, refreshing, the tightest since Vs, and the most digestible Pearl Jam record to date—that, obviously, is Backspacer. Since it radiates a great positive vibe, I wondered if there’s anything negative about it. I came up with ten.

10. Because of its slightly larger size, it won't fit in the CD rack.

9. Amongst the Waves is NOT a surfing song.

8. Matt is so awesome here many Matt-haters might melt to death.

7. The Fixer does not appeal to pop rock-intolerant purists and elitists.

6. The Target Deal pissed off narrow-minded slobs.

5. It ends too soon. So you tend to play it twice. You can't get enough, so you play it again. Then you realize you're late.

4. The booklet is good, but you can't find a photo of baby BOOM in it.

3. Eddie did not swear in this record. (Except for the parts where the words 'put a' , as from the line 'I wanna put a bit of shine on it', sound pretty much like a Spanish profanity).

2. Because its a pop rock-influenced record, there's a scarcity of face-melting guitar solos.

1. It had a very late release in Asia. The waiting drove me mad.(Eventually, the madness was backspaced).

Monday, January 11, 2010

My Life According to Pearl Jam

1. Are you a male or female?
“Better Man”

2. Describe yourself:

3. How do you feel:
“Happy When I’m Crying”

4. Describe where you currently live:

5. If you could go anywhere, where would you go:

6. Your favorite form of transportation:

7. Your best friend:
“Leatherman” /“Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town”

8. Your favorite color is:

9. What's the weather like:
“Force of Nature”

10. Favorite time of day:
“Present Tense”/ “The First Time” (improv)

11. If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:
“Man of the Hour”

12. What is life to you:

13. Your current relationship:
“Help Help”

14. Looking for:
“State of Love and Trust”

15. Wouldn’t mind:
“Just a Girl”

16. Your fear:
“Dead Man Walking”

17. What is the best advice you have to give:

18. If you could change your name, you would change it to:
“Johnny Guitar”/ “Jeremy”

19. Thought for the Day:
“I Got Id”

20. How I would like to die:
“Green Disease”

21. My motto:
“I Am Mine”