Friday, August 7, 2009

Classic PJ Quotes part II

More PJ quotes. Cheer up jammers!

EV: The only f*ckin reason you guys chant my name is cuz I'm the only guy in the band whose name has two syllables. We call Stone 'Stoney.' You could chant that ... Stoney, Stoney.

EV:Is it ok if I speak in English?... It's hard for me to speak in Spanish when I'm drunk. [Eddie at Monterrey, Mexico]

EV: It's the end of the world. It's happening right now... and I think we're OK with that.

MM: I'll do whatever the song dictates - if it doesn't need a real lead, then I won't do one. But if it does, then I'll f*ckin' go off.

EV: So I hope Neil's feeling a little fiesty tonight...Speaking of fiesty...some asshole put our table right there, next to the Ticketmaster table right there.... I'm predicting a food fight by the end of the night...

SG: The bottom line is that when we all plug in, Eddie can make us dance and play like little molecules bouncing off the wall. And for whatever reason, we can make him feel like singing.

SG: Is my band ready to kick it? [Stone before 'Mankind' on Jones beach 3]

EV: We'd like to thank... uh.. we don't... uh... we don't have to thank any sponsors... there are no f*ckin sponsors...

EV: F*ck You. I have laundry to do.

EV: It's about time a band like us played in a classy place like this

EV: A lot of flags out there... different countries, pirates... so being from America maybe we should clarify by saying we come in peace!

EV: This next song is called I Got Shit. But I guess most of you are saying, I got shit tickets

EV: If little George Dubya Bush wins the band is applying for Canadian Citizenship

EV: Advice to the kids... don't drink when you're sick. More Advice: don't get sick when you drink...

EV: Nobody can tell you who you are... If you don't know who you are, well, you better find out. Because you are somebody.

JA: Music for me is one of the more healing art forms. I think anybody can put on a pair of headphones and put in a disk or play a record and have it change them.

SG: There will never be a replacement for the guitar in its ability to translate energy to a crowd.

EV: So how many of you guys came out in limos? Its really great when your in a limo and you can put your head to the window and look out at all the homeless people... Next time you're in your limo just look out at all the people sleeping in the alleys, I just dare ya to take a drink of that free alcohol.....This song is called Even flow...

EV: Hate to promote anything like this, but before I'd kill myself I'd probably kill somebody like Bush.

EV: They call you guys Generation X... that's bullshit. They should call you Generation Why... or maybe Generation ZZZ 'cause you're falling asleep.

EV: Hey Dave, you're such a bad influence, man. I mean, personally, I wouldn't smoke that shit. It's not like I'm straight edge or nothing, I just like life anyway. [Den Haag, Holland, 1992]

EV: As uninterested as I am in other people's sex lives we should read it because it's the most expensive porn magazine the tax payers ever paid for... [Eddie touched upon the Kenneth Starr investigative report on Bill Clinton]

EV: If not for the Buzzcocks, we'd probably sound like Good Charlotte or something. No, no, it's not bad, it just sounds like... tastes like a popsicle that's been shoved up someone's ass.

EV: Stone has the guts to fly here in a helicopter, but he's too scared to play Breath.

EV:So there's this big rumor around that we want to clear up right now ... we're NOT from Seattle. I just had to say it because if someone else asks me about the 'Seattle scene' one more time, I think I'm gonna puke, piss and shit all at the same time.

EV: We have to live up to the expectations of a million people. And we can't do that. ....and then, there's a cynical f*cking media on top of that. F*ck them. F*ck that. They question your f*cking honesty. They think it's all a f*cking game. They don't know what's real.... and when someone comes along who's trying to be real, they don't know the f*cking difference.

EV: You know something? I've never dated. I never had time for that stuff. I really had an ongoing affair with my Telecaster, and that was pretty much it.

EV: Do you want a message?... Do you want a message?... Kill your local rapist... but torture him first... then serve him to one of your enemies for dinner... I'll cook.

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