Saturday, October 17, 2009

Top 10 Reasons why The Big Takeover Magazine ROCKS

Once upon an alienated time I walked into a second-hand bookstore. There I found a cheap magazine with one of my favorite bands, REM, on the cover. I didn’t expect much from the magazine, but as I consumed its pages it propelled me deeper into music. And by ‘music’ I mean that which has valid artistic value—or, as Jack Rabid calls it, “music with heart”. Needless to say, this not-so-famous music magazine is a publication “with heart”.

It’s quite a misfortune that I am not able to subscribe to this magazine because I don’t live in the US. Also it’s quite a misfortune that my only copy of it has been left inside a cardboard box miles away from where I’m currently at. Meanwhile, to write about it is all I can do.

Here are the ten reasons why I love the Big Takeover Magazine.

10. It features a diverse blend of independent and major label bands.

9. But mostly it features bands that you haven’t heard of or listened to before.

8. It features reviews of live performances.

7. It features lengthy, in-depth interviews with cool artists transcribed verbatim.

6. It is published by a poet/musician, a passionate creative force named Jack Rabid—since 1980.

5. The review section, featuring Jack’s Top 40 for the issue, is regularly 60-80 pages long.

4. Even the advertisements help your musical exploration.

3. Issues are around 200 pages—semi-glossy, colored.

2. Unlike mainstream or most music magazines, Big Takeover’s price is reasonable.

1. Artists are on its cover, not corporate-puppet pop stars.

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