Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Classic PJ Quotes part IV

EV: When you put someone up on a pedestal, it's real easy for them to fall.
[At George Mason University, April 8, 1994, commenting on Kurt Cobain's suicide]

EV: It was just some people sleeping. Do you know that show? I couldn't bear the tension. [Eddie on Big Brother]

EV: I don't need drugs to make my life tragic

MC: Sometimes you have your best ideas in the bathroom

EV: Must be interesting to look at the country below you ... like watching a dog chasing its tail

MM: I started playing guitar because of Kiss. I was 11. I had the Kiss Lunchbox, everything. Every kid at the time was into Kiss, with all the fire-breathing and stuff. We used to leap around the couch with brooms and strut in front of the mirror. Actually, I still do that.

EV: Hey, whaddaya want, somethin' profound in every verse?

On a blistering September day in Austin, TX at South Park Meadows in 1995, Ed says after an hour of music: "Hot, humid, hellacious acres!" One of only two things he said all day!

EV: There's some fancy people in the skybox ... they're blinking to us, sending us a message up there. [The crowd boos and he tells them not to get angry] "... You know life has a way of working itself out, you know? Think about this for a sec, right? These are the rich, fancy people, right? They got all the luxury, right? Looks to me, like they're the farthest ones away from the stage and they're behind a f*ckin' window ... you hang in the trenches long enough, it pays off ...
[Soldier Field Chicago, 1995]

EV: Some people say I have a death wish. That's not true. I have a whole life wish.

"Oh my God!" [Eddie after he sees Mike sans clothes at the Rotterdam concert...]

EV: I sometimes wonder why there isn't a Tee-Pees R Us.

EV: Anyone who boos the Dixie Chicks is a f*ckin' pussy.

JA: There are definetely moments live where it's as good as any experience you can have. There have been shows where maybe the whole first half of the show my eyes have been closed. and then you'll look out in the crowd and there'll be somebody totally lost in their head, in exactly the same place you're in. That, to me, is the essence of music.

Eddie before playing Habit in Champaign 2003: This one's for all you high on Crystal Meth tonight...thank-you very much!

EV: You get growing pains when you get taller, but we got them when we were trying to shrink.

EV: Through telling stories, you may be able to transmit an emotion or a feeling or an observation of modern reality rather than editorializing, which we've seen plenty of these days

"There was something about that little instrument that taught me more about melody than anything or anyone else, excluding Johnny," [EV on the ukulele]

SG: For me, if it takes the end of the world to save the world, then so be it. I love that juxtaposition

EV: Looks like Amsterdam, smells like Amsterdam. But it's not.... It's San Francisco [Outside Lands 2009]

EV: I don't know if any label could have kept up with us because of the way things evolved, If right at the outset we were selling 10 million records, and years down the road we were selling 1 million, and we were fine with it, I can understand why they'd feel a little crazy when they wanted to achieve past successes.

SG: We're going to make better and better records as we get older, especially considering this one kind of rocks harder. Why should we be rocking harder now? Isn't this when we're supposed to ease into the whole Pink Floyd groove?

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