Saturday, August 8, 2009

PJ quotes part III

EV: It's been a long time. I love Portugal. One day I was at the beach and I saw a kid riding a skate board. I went to him and asked if I could ride it too. He gave me his skate board. Just like that! That's why we keep coming back.

EV: Behave like rock stars, not like the President.

EV: Forget Sesame Street. You teach your kid the proper way to count -- 1, 2, 3, 4, what the f*ck is this world running to...

EV: Schools of Samba show themselves here, but today, is the Rock of Seattle who is going to.

EV: Let's launch a pre-emptive strike on against four more shitty years.

EV: This next song is............................ is a song" [A very drunk Ed before playing 'Last Kiss', Australia 2003]

EV:It's never good to be indecided. I'll give you a perfect example: the mullet. Do I want it short? Do I want it long? I just can't take a stand. I guess that explains why there are so many indecisive people in Canada. That's the only thing that looks bad about Canada these days.

EV: Caffeine...the gateway drug.

MM: The press is the press. They're going to write whatever they want because that's what they do. People don't know Eddie. He's one of the most caring individuals I've ever met in my life, if not the most caring. He's very intelligent. I think he gets freaked out about people following him around. Honestly, I don't know what he has to go through.

EV: I guess we have to say thanks. [Ed on MTV awards]

EV: There must have been a lot of f*cking in Montreal, cause it was not as populated last time we were here.

EV: This song was written before I could drink, well legally that is. [before singing betterman]

EV: You can't save someone from drowning if you're treading water yourself.

SG: I think in bands you have role playing, and for me it's riffs and arrangements and songwriting. Eddie's the guy you're looking at on stage, if I was in the audience I'd be looking at him - well, I might look at me a couple of times as well.

EV: I know this song so well, I can smoke a cigarette, have a drink, brush my teeth, take a shit, and mow the lawn while singing it. But I'll only be doing two of those things during this version.

EV: In rock & roll, I should be able to do whatever I want -- run around with a dildo on my head.

EV: So, Mookie think there are a bunch of crazed white rock musicians following him around, making t-shirts and singing his praises (Stone)... He's frightened of us...he sits at home telling his wife 'why is this happening to me? What did I do?'

MC: My dad says Pearl Jam fans are better than french fries.

EV: I can remember vividly playing that song in a club in Hamburg on Jeff Ament's Birthday March 12, 1992. I think thats an interesting date because it's also the last time I took a shower. Keep grunge alive is my motto. Not the music, just the personal philosophy.

EV:You don't love me. You don't know me. You love who you think I am. If you knew me, you wouldn't love me. And don't try to pretend you know me, because I don't even know myself.

SG: My goal, what I really want to achieve, is not to 'need' him. Because he is needed by so many people who don't really understand him.

EV: Music is a weapon of mass construction... Protests are a weapon of mass construction...

EV: "War doesn't determine who's right; it determines who's left.

EV: Me and the band... we'd like to say something we've never had the chance to do before... Live From St.John's, Its Saturday Night, Lets Rock This F*cking Place!!

EV: We would like to dedicate this next song to our good friend and mentor... Dick Cheney! [before playing Glorified G]

EV: There are these two girls flashing their tits, it's making it hard to concentrate [interrupted while playing 'Soon Forget]

SG:I probably have tendencies that I'm not aware of, but for me it's definitely just close your eyes, go for something, and if someone looks at you funny, maybe go for something else.

EV: In America we like to have fun. Because we are an advanced culture... we live in a very advanced society and have a futuristic way of taking care of our population problem... we give each other guns and kill each other.

EV: This song a, I don't think you ever heard it but it's a, it's a new song but it was written a long time ago. It's dedicated to the bastard that married my mom.

EV: My mind is in these songs, but the fact that so many people relate to these songs is kind of depressing. Actually, now I understand those religious channels more. Everybody needs something.

EV:How many records you sell doesn't change how you look at the music. Getting a gold record was cool for about two-and-a-half minutes.

EV: Hey, there's a thing called date rape. Don't go f*ckin' party on other people's pussy unless they're invited!

EV: When The Buzzcocks came out with their first record I was fondling my first erection.

EV: We are on the brink of forever.

EV: There was a girl in the front and her shirt says 'F*CK ME EDDY'... well you'd have to spell my name right first.

"We just got word that the Cardinals won...oh wait, no. They lost." Ed announced this at the St. Louis (October 11, 2000) show when the Cardinals were playing in the first game of the National League Championship Series, which was a HUGE deal in St. Louis at the time. Some people even booed! Ed replied by saying "Well, now aren't you glad you came here instead of staying home to watch some stupid f*cking game."

Eddie, Buffalo 5/2/03: There is this thing called a curfew and sometimes the fine can be a lot of money [crowd: BOOOOO] But we talked about it in the back... and the reason I am able to come out here and take my time is because Mike McCready agreed to pay the fine tonight"[Crowd goes insane!]

During their Limelight appearance in April of 1992, Eddie wanted to jump into the crowd, and he said, "Someone once told me never trust a new yorker," and looks at Jeff and said "F*ck it," and goes for it.

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